Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Heart Faces - Water

ETA: A lot of people are asking how this was done in the comments so I thought I better add it to the top :) Here's how I took this shot!
First, I got a piece of glass and rubbed car wax on it and wiped it off. Then I used a medicine dropper and added all the waterdrops all over (the car wax made the water bead up nicely, you can also try Rain X)
Then I set the piece of glass up on/between 2 dining room chairs so that there was enough room for someone to lay underneath it.
Next used my tripod and my 24-70L, set it to manual focus and that was it!

I had so much fun experimenting with this setup!! A certain little girl was a little too wiggly and anxious to play to let me get her position in the water drops JUST RIGHT, but I was still happy with the ones that I got!

Go check out all the other fun Water shots over at I Heart Faces! Click on the button or go to

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Heart Faces - Props!

This week's theme over at I Heart Faces is Props! I never really used to use very many props but now I'm realizing that they can add so much to a photo and I've become a little addicted to shopping for them! I bought these fake butterflies at a craft store and hung them with fishing line, I love how the sun shined through them and made them so full of life!

Go check out all the other fun entries at I Heart Faces!!